Only for traders

fella4stores Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH


fella4stores Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH
Voltastr. 3
63303 Dreieich

Phone: +496104 6896290
Fax: +496104 6896299

Contact customer support

Phone: +49(0)6103 208 3315


About us

The enterprise The company fella4stores Ladeneinrichtung GmbH, formerly know as fella's Warenhandels GmbH, was founded as a family business in Heusenstamm in 2009, very close to Frankfurt am Main. From 2013 to 2020, the company was located in Dreieich. Since April 2020, the headquarters have moved to Heusenstamm again with office space, showroom and warehouse. In April 2023 the whole company moved to Dreieich once again with a significant increase in storage space.

Philosophy Our focus is on the trade in high-quality mannequins and the rental of various decorative items. We also offer shop fitting solutions and complete shop fittings.
In the constant search for pragmatic solutions, we offer a completely brand-independent selection of numerous products in different price and quality classes.
We can convince with short delivery times, customer-oriented advice and high reliability.

Collaboration We invest in long-term and trusting business relationships.
Our goal is to grow together with our customers and suppliers.
Our manufacturing partners, suppliers and logisticians complete our
Concept and enable us to work independently and flexibly.

Environment & responsibility We strive to ensure that our products are made from recyclable materials and do not contain any toxic substances. Some of our branded products are ISO certified and many items made of HDPE are completely harmless according to the environmental pyramid. When it comes to disposal, we recommend that our customers choose companies that are familiar with the recycling of plastics and process the materials as sustainably as possible. REduce, REuse, REcycle.

fella4stores Ladeneinrichtungen GmbH

Voltastrasse 3

DE-63303 Dreieich

Hotline DE: 0800 4400160
Phone: +49(0)6103 208 3315
Fax: +49(0)6103 208 1442

VAT ID No.: DE265373784

Managing Director: Christian Feller

Local Court Offenbach

Commercial register HRB 44150